2007/01/23, 05:40:27, UTC

 Sailing By - 1

This is the first of three recordings made on the yacht Chantilly, owned by an old friend of mine (and ex-sound designer) Terry Saunders. Terry has a yacht charter business called Alba Sailing (http://www.alba-sailing.co.uk) near Oban in Scotland, which he runs with his wife, Jacki. He took a day off and we went out on a near-perfect day last year to make some recordings. This is a recording of the bow-wave as the yacht slips though the water. And yes, I'm the one holding the microphone, with no form of head protection in the blazing heat of the mid-day sun. bad idea...
  Map    Scotland, United Kingdom

Source type: Recording
Ambisonic order: F (4 ch) 1st order 3D
Recording device: Metric Halo 2882+DSP/Macintosh PowerBook G4
Microphone name: Soundfield ST250
Array type: Tetrahedral

 Creative Commons, Noncommercial, No Derivative Works