2006/04/21, 01:57:14, UTC

 River Avon Boat Ride

A recording made in a small motor-boat on the Avon. The outboard should appear to be to the rear left and you should be able to sense the water banging against the hull of the boat more towards the front of the sound field. About a minute into the recording the boat passes under a small bridge and you can hear the acoustic change slightly.
  Map    Stratford-on-Avon, England, United Kingdom

Source type: Recording
Ambisonic order: F (4 ch) 1st order 3D
Recording device: Metric Halo MIO 2882+DSP directly to a Mac 1.5 Gig 15" PowerBook G4
Microphone name: Soundfield ST250
Array type: Tetrahedron

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