2006/03/18, 16:31:00, UTC

 Stanbrook Abbey Choir

Stanbrook Abbey Choir. Stanbrook Abbey near Worcester is the current home of an order of Benedictine nuns. The Abbey chapel is a wonderful space and I was able to make this recording for a theatre show about a past Abbess, Dame Laurentia McLachlan and her relationship with George Bernard Shaw and Sir Sydney Cockerell. The present Abbess, Sister Joanna Jameson, made my visit extremely pleasant and easy. The order will move to a new location at some time in the future and it is hoped that this space will survive intact.
  Map    Malvern Hills, England, United Kingdom

Source type: Recording
Ambisonic order: F (4 ch) 1st order 3D
Recording device: Metric Halo MIO 2882+DSP directly to a Mac 1.5 Gig 15" PowerBook G4
Microphone name: Soundfield ST250
Array type: Tetrahedron

 Creative Commons, Noncommercial, No Derivative Works