Jim Mastracco works on behalf of public servants at the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), in Washington, DC. Perpetually making the case to record AFGE's NEC meetings in ambisonics, during his off hours he works diligently to return to teaching and research in acoustics and audio. Mastracco has been studying concert hall acoustics since 1978, spending a good deal of his youth making acoustical measurements in Boston's Symphony Hall and Troy's (NY) legendary Music Hall, using an acoustic manikin of his own design. He's written and spoken on the subject of concert hall sound, and is passionate about the Scientific Method as it relates to the acoustical studies of halls, opera houses, and churches. To keep his sanity, he listens to Radio 3, sings bass as a member of the Washington Men's Camerata, recording choirs and pipe organs whenever he's lucky enough to get the chance.