2006/07/22, 02:35:56, UTC

 VoiCE sing Georgian & Macedonian folksongs

VoiCE (see the Hildegard and Wilbye entry for details) here sing three folksongs. First is a Georgian lament, then a Macedonian dance, and lastly a Georgian "healing song". They are recorded in a tiny thirteenth century chapel that was part of a leper hospital; it has very little reverberation, but still imparts a lovely bloom to the sound.
  Map    England, United Kingdom

Source type: Recording
Ambisonic order: F (4 ch) 1st order 3D
Recording device: MOTU Traveler
Microphone name: Core Sound TetraMic
Array type: tetrahedral soundfield
Capsule type: cardioid
Calibration method: software, parameters provided with mic

 Creative Commons, Noncommercial, No Derivative Works