This recording of Heinrich Isaac's "Virgo prudentissima" was performed by "Music Divine", a ten voice choir based in New York City, conducted by its Director, Stephen Bonime. The concert was entitled "The Dawn of Classical Music" and included early music compositions by Josquin Desprez, Jacques Barbireau and Heinrich Isaac, and a baroque-era composition by Thomas Thomkins. The venue was the sanctuary of St. Marks Church (Episcopal -- Teaneck, New Jersey), a lovely sounding wood room that seats approximately two hundred.
It was recorded with a Core Sound TetraMic and a MOTU Traveler, using AudioMulch 1.0 software on an HP PC/XP laptop.
The concert benefitted the Teaneck Peace and Justice Coalition.
The stereo version of this can be downloaded at: .
The Web site for Music Divine is: .
(Recorded on October 21, 2007)