Synchronise is a piece based on the UK Greenwich time signal as used on BBC Radio 4 LW. The tones were recorded in UHJ from a Roberts RT1 transistor radio and sampled in Helios (stereo) sampler. The tones were then put through stereo external processing after UHJ decoding to two speaker feeds and fed back into two static locations on the A&D pan rotate a few degrees apart, with the normal octave tones at a mean 0 degrees, and the tones that join fifteen seconds later at -45 degrees etc. The effects were adjusted manually as each minute played. The whole static sum with different pips at 0, -45, 180 and +45 degrees was then re-recorded via the A&D soundstage rotator turned manually during each minute. The final result is that the new octave tones enter at the right locations and spin around the clock face as intended, while allowing the jobs of effects performance and soundstage rotation to be separated. I think that's how I did it. It was a bit awkward but it did the job.
Synchronise is one of the pieces on my CD-R Colossus which is available in the USA from or directly from myself at this address: