Spanish Flea played on analogue synth with a hardware Hammond organ emulator taking the lead part. This is recorded with most parts being placed statically in the soundstage by the A+D pan-rotate, one (clip clop) placed dynamically alternately full front and back by joystick on the ambisonic panner and another (flea buzzing) in a constant slow clockwise spin via the oscillator driven auto-rotate function on the ambisonic panner.
Soundstage positions:
Bass Guitar slowly A+D pan-rotate rotating between +120 and +60 manual
Strummed Guitar 1 -120 A+D pan-rotate static
Strummed Guitar 2 -105 A+D pan-rotate static
Strummed Guitar 3 -75 A+D pan-rotate static
Strummed Guitar 4 -60 A+D pan-rotate static
Maracas +60 A+D pan-rotate static
Boss Drum +90 A+D pan-rotate static
Clip Clop low note +180 Joystick panner manual pan across stage for high and low notes
Clip Clop high note 0 Joystick panner manual pan across stage for high and low notes
Side Snare +60 A&D pan-rotate static brought into centre two notches
Cymbal +75 A&D pan-rotate static
Trombone 1 -15 A&D pan-rotate static
Trombone 2 +15 A&D pan-rotate static
Flea Buzzing Voice Spin Auto-panner clockwise approx 0.2Hz
Trumpet Melody Hammond 0 A&D pan-rotate static
Trumpet Melody Hammond Reverb -180 A&D pan-rotate static
Trumpet Harmony Hammond 0 A&D pan-rotate static
Trumpet Harmony Hammond Reverb -180 A&D pan-rotate static
Honky Whistle recorded in UHJ on DAT with the cheap soundfield microphone in a concrete fire escape staircase.
Composed by Julius Wechter. This recording (c) Henry J. Walmsley 2005
Spanish Flea is one of the pieces on my CD-R Turned-On Tijuana which is available in the USA from or directly from myself at this address: