2006/07/18, 12:21:20, UTC

 Casino Royale

Composed by H.David/Burt Bacharach and given a sound beating with a home made analogue modular synth and some kitchen equipment. Featuring a "Delia Derbyshire" style sampled wineglass and a packet of Bigga Marrowfat peas. Soundstage positions and track details in approximate order of recording: Side Drum: side snare patch 2, dry +60, a little reverb A at -60 (reverb should have been -120) Cymbal: Cymbal 2, dry +60, a fair old bit of rev B -60 (reverb should have been -120) Bass drum: dry +60, rev B -60 (reverb should have been -120) Bass Guitar: dry +90, reverb C -90 Trombone 1 overblown: dry -60, reverb A -120 Trombone 2 overblown: dry -75, reverb A +105 Xylophone: dry -45, SuperVerb(tm) +135 Harpsichord 1: tuned dead on +45, reverb A -135 Harpsichord 2: tuned v v slightly sharp dry +45, reverb A -135 Bass Electric Distorted (three end notes): harpsichord patch with lots of filter Q and manual frequency control on the last note,SuperVerb(tm) through the auto-rotate going ACW quite fast Trumpet 1 Hammondicon muted trumpet sound mostly even harmonics: dry +15, a fair amount of reverb B -165 Trumpet 2 Hammondicon muted trumpet sound mostly even harmonics: dry -15, a fair amount of reverb B -165 Trumpet 3 Hammondicon mostly odd harmonics, brighter, dry -60, reverb B at +120 Trumpet 4 Hammondicon mostly odd harmonics, brighter, dry -60, reverb B at +120 Trumpet 3_2 as above, same notes less velocity Trumpet 4_2 as above, same notes less velocity Trumpet screaming descant recorded with auto panner running at several Hz and SuperVerb Strings: wineglass sample recorded with the cheap soundfield mike dead ahead in UHJ and loaded as stereo into Helios sampler, then played back through UHJ and speaker feed decoder using +/- 30 degree feeds, returning these to the PC via the pan-rotate positioning these feeds at -60 and -120 on the right. Not as outrageously complex as it sounds. Could have recorded the sample at the right soundstage location on the mic in the first place but then it would have been single-use only. Cocktail Shaker: Recorded about 2 metres from the cheap soundfield in the kitchen direct to B-format. This was going to be a real Vodka-Martini being made in a cocktail shaker to celebrate the last track but it turned out that the packet of Bigga marrowfat peas used to check the levels with sounded better and chucking some ice cubes into a beerglass at the end was more sensible than covering the kitchen with Smirnoff and Happy Shopper Vervini Vermouth. Ting: Recorded direct to B format in the correct soundstage location close to the mic.
  Map    Rushmoor, England, United Kingdom

Source type: Hybrid
Ambisonic order: H (3 ch) 1st order horizontal
Recording device: Custom Box into Terratec 8X8
Microphone name: Cheap Soundfield
Array type: Tetrahedral
Capsule type: $2 Panasonic WM-55A103
Calibration method: thrown together

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